I wanted to post a sneak peek from Beau's mini session yesterday because we love this pose and it turned out great! Beau is from Irondale High School and brought his car, as well as a ton of hockey equipment. He was totally laid-back and ready to try anything! (we'll post more later)
My name is Jonathon Beau Bailey
I go to school at Irondale High School
My favorite clothing store is Hollister
Current favorite song is "Sugar, Sugar"
My all-time favorite movie is Tommy Boy
My favorite magazine is Sports Illustrated
The last thing I ate was spaghetti
My dream job is becoming a pro sports player
My biggest accomplishment so far in high school has been getting to know all different types of people
One unusual talent I have is bubble blowing
The person I would most like to meet is Elvis
My favorite things in my closet are clothing
Next year I'm a senior!
What I like most about Lance's is the nature at the studio
If I was on a deserted island the two things I would want to have with me are a phone and a hockey stick