Today our spotlight is on Monica. She came prepared with mom and sister in tow, as well as a violin. Her beautiful dark hair really helped her images look dramatic, we had a lot of fun with her session!
My name is Monica Youssef
I go to school at Roseville High School
My favorite clothing store is Macy's My current favorite song is a greek song
My all-time favorite movie is The Wedding Date
My favorite magazine is US Weekly
The last thing I ate was soup
My dream job is to be a surgeon
My biggest accomplishment so far in high school has been my academic standing
One unusual talent I have is I can remember things well
The person I would most like to meet is my grandpa
My favorite things in my closet are my old memories
Next year I'm going to the University of Minnesota
What I like most about Lance's is his flexibility
If I was on a deserted island, the two things I would want to have with me are a bible and iPod