Hellllooooo! We are now gathering our Team 2011 together, click here to access our application and let us know you are interested. This is the only way to earn free senior portraits (or CASH!) from Lance Hill Photography, and we're looking for students graduating in 2011 from all high schools across the state, Mounds View, Irondale, Roseville, Minnetonka, Osseo, Centennial, White Bear Lake, Visitation, Hill-Murray, Cretin-Derham, absolutely EVERYWHERE! Both boys & girls... this is what our rep cards are going to be designed like this year... we're going for a turquoise/brown/white feel.... a little oceany, calm, cool, collected, you get the drift??? Except for the card will have your name and your images on them. Cool, eh? Add us as a friend on Facebook... find our Fan Page, Business Page, personal page, any page! We would love to meet you and have you join our Team Twenty11 team! WE CAN'T WAIT TO MEET THE 2011 GRADUATING CLASS!